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Bucci | Kathy May & Silas


Everyone who meets Bucci is immediately drawn to her exceptionally easy-going, friendly, kind nature. She is the most gentle, loving, loyal family member we could ask for.

Bucci and her daughter, Lola, were strays who began following my brother, Tom-Vinh, in the summer of 2011. They were there when he drove home, followed him to the porch, and then waited for him to come out again day after day. They were so friendly and unafraid of Tom that he couldn’t bear to leave them outside. Our family adopted these kind-hearted doggies and Tom named them Bucci and Lola.

While Lola was a rambunctious, playful, and sometimes unknowingly selfish puppy, Bucci was a protective mom. She would watch over Lola as she ate and then waited patiently for Lola had her fill. Only then would she begin to partake in food. They loved to curl up alongside one another. Lola was extremely keen. She would listen and watch the TV, cocking her head back and forth with her ears perked. One day, my mom was sorting out a large box of pens, making a pile of those to discard. After some time, she confusedly remarked that the her pile was smaller than expected. We looked around the room and saw another pile of pens across the room. Lola was taking the pens, one by one, from my mom’s discard pile to make a little pile of her own!

At first, Bucci and Lola were not used to house-dog life and explored outside often, always returning home after getting their fill of running. When they did not come back one day, Tom searched everywhere. A few days later, the pound called to say that two dogs were found matching Tom’s description. Devastatingly, by the time he got there, Lola had escaped again. Bucci came home.

Bucci immediately became an integral part of our family. Everyone loved Bucci! Whenever we would look at or call to her, her big eyes would gaze up with her gigantic black eyes and tail would wag so happily and vigorously that the entire bottom half of her body would go back and forth, even lifting her back legs off of the floor. In fact, my mom refrained from teaching her to shake hands because we did not want her to confuse “shake hands” with her “shake, shake, shake.” She was so cute! If there ever were a dog who showed unconditional love, it was Bucci. You could take food out of her mouth, move her around and around while she slept, dress her up in clothes and, in return, she would only give you more and more love.

More than food, treats, toys, or walks, Bucci valued spending time with Ty. She loved him the most of anyone else and insisted on staying at his side at all times. If he was at the table, she was on his lap. If he was doing woodworking, she was in the grass watching. If  he was sleeping, she would curl up right next to him or even sit on his belly or his back as he slumbered. They were perfect together and Ty spoiled her with love and affection. He gave her everything she could ever ask for. Her favorite was a set of toy foxes which she would collect from around the house into a pile. Then, she would pick one out of the pile and squeak it.

My mom (Me) loved Bucci and incredible lot and truly enjoyed her good nature and company. Me nicknamed her “Chi Chi.” She especially liked the black hoodie sweatshirt that Ty got for Bucci, because Bucci looked like a little dog monk whenever she wore it. Tom realized how attached my mom was to Bucci so he brought Bucci to live with her and April when she became ill. They were her best company as she studied the Bible, cooked, and did arts and crafts. Every day, Me took April and Bucci on long walks for miles and miles. It was an activity of their daily routine that all three of them looked forward to immensely.

Bucci lived out the rest of her life contently in Georgia with April and Ty, where she had a large yard to run around, lots of healthy and homemade food, and Ty’s company, which she treasured more than anything. She was her happy, enthusiastic, adorable self until March 13, 2016, when she passed away unexpectedly but peacefully in her sleep. It is unspeakably devastating to lose a family member who we love so incredibly dearly. We miss her. However, we know that Bucci has rejoined Me in heaven and that Me is undoubtedly very content to be reunited with Bucci’s good nature. We love you forever, Chi Chi.

Please take a look at some of my favorite photos and memories of our beloved Bucci:

Here is Bucci hiding under the covers:

Here is Bucci keeping Ty company while he’s playing the banjo:

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